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Lift Hard, Learn Fast.

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Welcome to the Podcast for YOU. The one that understands you, knows what it's like, knows the ups and downs, and is trying like hell to get good content out there for you to hear, learn, and get better everyday. If you are part of the Tough Lift family you know and understand... you just "get it" and that's what it shows when people see the logo


The Grind, The Defeat, The Battles...All for that one tough lift...


Listen in and be a part of a community
committed to learning.

Not your moms PodCast

We get down and dirty discussing topics that are real and prevalent to sport. Sometimes it requires colorful language and feelings but its a sign of our passion.

Not recycled material

This isn't another "4 tips to a better squat" podcast, we are bringing up new topics and interesting talking points to keep on top of modern weightlifting and sport not the same dry material out there already rewashed.

We are you!

We are Athletes, We are Coaches, We are Business owners! We are out there doing it and testing and trying - as your peers we represent YOU and are looking to help make YOU better through our content we provide!


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With new episodes weekly both short and long format Tough Lift Podcast is bringing new content to you and the weightlifting and sporting community constantly. We want you to Learn Fast so we bring on guests from all walks of the sporting world. 

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